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How to Work With Us

Working with AshBer is Easy. 
Here’s How You Can Start Working with Us Today!


Call (888) 441-1595, Email, or Input Case Facts into AshBer’s Website at


Once we receive the Case Facts from you, we review the facts and provide a complimentary analysis & recommendation.


If the recommendation we put together is satisfactory to your client, we’ll forward the insurance application documents to you for the client’s signature.


Once the application documents are completed and signed, they are returned to Jessica Gagnon at 551 Windy Wood Lane, Wrightstown, WI 54180 for review and processing.  Jessica sends the application and checks via overnight mail to the respective insurance company.


Within 24 – 28 hours of the insurance company receiving the application and funds, we typically have a declaration/schedule page which we’ll return to you via email or fax.  Upon receipt of the entire policy, we’ll return the same to your office. 

© 2024 by AshBer, LLC

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