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AshBer | Professional Insurance Solution Services

Amber Hinds
How to Calculate the Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA)
When working with a married couple wherein one spouse is applying for Medicaid and the other spouse resides at home, we typically refer...

Amber Hinds
Medicaid: Countable Assets vs. Non-Countable Assets
Medicaid is a means-tested, federal-state health insurance program for low income and needy people. As with any means-tested government...

Amber Hinds
What is Name on The Check Rule?
For Medicaid planning purposes, income is attributed to the person whose “name is on the check”. If two names are on the check, income...

Amber Hinds
Planning Options for the Medicaid Applicant/Institutionalized Spouse’s Qualified Retirement Account
When implementing Medicaid planning for a married couple, typically one spouse is in a facility and the other spouse remains at home or...

Amber Hinds
Factors to Take into Consideration When Determining How Long to Structure A Community Spouse's MCA
In a married couple situation when one spouse is applying for Medicaid benefits and the other spouse remains at home in the community,...

Amber Hinds
Medicaid Planning with Qualified/IRA Retirement Accounts
Medicaid Crisis Planning is pretty simple when we’re dealing with post-tax accounts (checking, savings, CDs, etc.). Planning becomes...

Amber Hinds
Types of Assets that Can Be Used to Purchase a Medicaid Compliant Annuity
People often ask what type of assets/account can be used to purchase a Medicaid Compliant Annuity (MCA)? The simple answer is ANY! If...

Amber Hinds
On December 20, 2019, President Trump signed into law the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act. Most...

Amber Hinds
Options Available to MCA Beneficiaries when The Annuitant Passes
When people hear the word “annuity”, many thoughts may come to mind. Many people think that a Medicaid Compliant Annuity (MCA) doesn’t...

Amber Hinds
Meet the President, Amber (Gouin) Hinds
A native of Green Bay, Wisconsin, Amber grew up believing that family is the foundation for creativity and learned that this bond offers...

Amber Hinds
Funding a Medicaid Compliant Annuity with IRA/Tax-Qualified Funds
Did you know your clients may use IRA/pre-tax/retirement assets to fund a Medicaid Compliant Annuity (MCA)? If you reside in a state...

Amber Hinds
Did You Know we do Monthly Webinars? Sign up, Now!
At AshBer, we’re always looking for opportunities to share our knowledge of the annuity solutions and wider financial services industries...

Amber Hinds
2020 Medicaid Spousal Impoverishment Rates Released
At the start of a new year and a new decade it’s a good idea to ruminate on the recently released Medicaid Spousal Impoverishment Rates...

Amber Hinds
Why an insurance company's financial rating should matter to you and your clients?
When browsing the market for companies that offer Medicaid Compliant Annuities, you’ll find that there aren’t that many insurance...

Amber Hinds
Gifting/Annuity Planning: What does “Otherwise Eligible for Medicaid” Mean?
When implementing a Gifting/Annuity Plan for a client (refer to Option 3 in this blog to learn more about Gifting Plans), clients often...

Amber Hinds
Medicaid Planning for Married Couples: What is the Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA)?
For married couples, when one spouse is applying for benefits, there are spousal impoverishment rules in place to prevent the...

Amber Hinds
Medicaid Planning for Married Couples: What is the Monthly Maintenance (MMNA) Needs Allowance?
For married couples, when one spouse is applying for benefits, there are spousal impoverishment rules in place to prevent the...

Amber Hinds
What is an Annuity “Free Look” Period and Why Does it Matter for Medicaid Planning?
A free look period often lasts between 10 and 30 days (depending on the insurance company), and allows the annuity contract holder to...

Amber Hinds
CRISIS MEDICAID PLANNING FOR A Single Person (no spouse) in a Nursing Home
Case Facts: Evelyn recently entered a nursing home charging $6,500 per month for her care. She is 83 years of age, has countable...

Amber Hinds
—One spouse in a Nursing Home and One Spouse Remains in the Community— Case Facts: Robert recently entered a nursing home charging $7,000...
AshBer | Professional Insurance Solution Services Available in The USA
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